ACTION ALERT!! Call your State Rep. TODAY

Support Pathways to Employment in the Transportation Bond bill (H.3860)

Great news! Rep. Sean Garballey has agreed to be the lead sponsor for an amendment to the House Transportation Bond bill (H.3860).   This would add up to $2 million per year in funding for pre-apprenticeship training that is connected to jobs in the construction and building trades industry as the state rolls out $10.1 billion in transportation infrastructure improvements.  We anticipate that this would help create apprenticeship and employment opportunities for an estimated 300 individuals per year.

Please call your state representative by Friday, January 24, and ask him or her to co-sponsor this amendment.

Legislators willing to co-sponsor should contact Rep. Garballey’s office:  Max Chalkin at 617-722-2090 / Maxwell dot Chalkin at mahouse dot gov

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